Our Littlest Playwrights

Our Littlest Playwrights

Our Littlest Playwrights Drama is a powerful tool for developing soft skills. Drama can be useful for teaching various academic subjects in schools. Did you know that drama is also an essential element in preschool curricula? A Strong Foundation Preschools play a...
Misconceptions about Drama

Misconceptions about Drama

Misconceptions about Drama We often think of acting and performance when we think of drama. But drama could be so much more than that. Drama seeks to develop individuals. What are some other common misconceptions about drama? We debunk them in this article!...
(Speech) and Drama Classes

(Speech) and Drama Classes

(Speech) and Drama Classes I say I work in a drama academy and almost immediately, I hear, “Oh, you teach speech and drama”. This happens too often. Drama classes have, somehow, become synonymous with teaching speech. Is there an unwarranted emphasis on...
What is Drama, Really?

What is Drama, Really?

What is Drama, Really? What comes to mind when you think of drama? The stage? Actors? Props and costumes? Most of us think of performance when we think of drama, but drama is way more than that. The Origins of Drama Let’s go back in time, to the beginnings of...
The Importance of Drama

The Importance of Drama

The Importance of Drama Drama, like much of the arts, has been regarded as a second-rate, hobbyist subject in schools. But drama can be a powerful tool for teaching even non-arts subjects. Drama-in-education. Drama-in-education should not be confused with drama as a...
Raising Children to Live on the Brighter Side of Life

Raising Children to Live on the Brighter Side of Life

Raising Children to Live on the Brighter Side of Life Did you know that children as young as 5 years of age begin to understand that thoughts can influence our emotions? They know that while negative thoughts make us feel bad, a positive thought makes us feel better,...