But First, Self-esteem

But First, Self-esteem

But First, Self-esteem We want our children to be successful in their own right. We want them to grow into confident individuals and to be comfortable in their own skin. We want our children to feel loved and be happy. What can we do as parents? Start by working on...
The Truth About Creativity

The Truth About Creativity

The Truth About Creativity What would life be like without creativity? Boring. Sad. Colourless. Empty. Creativity has been proven to positively impact a child’s overall well-being. With the 21st Century demanding greater adaptability and innovation, our children need...
21st Century Skills: Tech, and Then Some

21st Century Skills: Tech, and Then Some

21st Century Skills: Tech, and Then Some As if the world wasn’t already changing fast enough, the recent and ongoing pandemic has precipitated new ways of living and working, driving people and industries to keep up or risk facing obsolescence. What does a...
Phonics Vs. Drama Classes

Phonics Vs. Drama Classes

Phonics Vs. Drama Classes You’ve probably heard about how phonics and drama classes enhance children’s language development. What’s the difference? Which is better? Both programmes enhance language development but target different aspects of it;...
Key Ingredients of a Good Drama Programme for Toddlers

Key Ingredients of a Good Drama Programme for Toddlers

Key Ingredients of a Good Drama Programme for Toddlers A good drama programme can significantly enhance a toddler’s learning and development. What makes a good drama programme? What should you look out for? We have prepared a series of questions to help you decide if...
How Young Is Too Young?

How Young Is Too Young?

How Young Is Too Young? We know that children benefit tremendously from drama programmes. So, when is a good time to start? Is drama also suitable for toddlers (1 to 3 years old)? Several characteristics punctuate a child’s development from 1-3 years of age. At aged...