Differences between Theatre vs. Speech and Drama Enrichment Programmes

by Dec 3, 2021

It is common for parents to be unsure of the decision they need to make when it comes to choosing between a theatre school and speech & drama enrichment program. They wonder how these two different types of schools could impact their child’s future, which is understandable. Some students may be more interested in performing on stage while others may want to focus on public speaking skills and communication. As we’ll see below, there are many significant differences that should help you decide what type of school is best for your family!

Theatre School/Acting School

Typically Requires an Audition to Perform

One of the most significant differences between a theatre school and speech & drama enrichment program is that you will likely need to audition in order to participate at a professional acting school. This means going into an office, performing your best monologue or scene for prospective teachers, and possibly being asked to stay after class if they think there’s potential. In contrast, many schools designed as “enrichment” programs don’t require this type of formal audition process. While some may ask parents about their child’s experience before committing them to join (after all they want students who are committed), it isn’t necessary in every case!

Acting Classes Are Usually Focused On Different Types of Drama Including Silent Art Forms

Depending on the type of school you choose, your child may have access to a variety of different types of drama. A theatre school or acting program will focus most heavily on the art forms that are used in film and television including monologues, musicals, improvisation skills, character study with masks/props/costumes & makeup.

Heavy focus on script analysis and directing to bring out the best performance

If your child is interested in learning more about how to direct an actor, there are special schools for this! A professional acting school may emphasize the art of directing as a significant part of its curriculum. This includes studying different dialogue options and seeing which one leads to the most compelling final product on stage or screen. If you’re really into film/TV production, then theatre school might be perfect for your family! You’ll learn all about scripting scenes that tell stories with interesting interactions between characters and if they don’t speak at all, these silent genres can still be just as exciting (think Charlie Chaplin).

Prepare students for a career in the arts

A professional acting school is designed to teach students how to perform brilliantly on the screen and guess what? They’ll want you to get paid for your work! Most of the successful actors in Hollywood started out in an acting class. If you want your child to pursue a career in the arts, then theatre school or an acting program is likely going to be one of the best ways for them to gain access to this job.

Speech and Drama Enrichment Program

Focused on developing life skills for the future

If you’re looking for a school to help your child learn how to communicate and think on their feet, then an enrichment program is the perfect choice! Speech & drama classes focus heavily on public speaking skills which can be used in any career. The ability to speak well in front of others makes it easier for people to feel comfortable promoting themselves or selling products.

Develop at your own pace

One of the best parts about speech and drama enrichment is that you can go at your own pace. Some schools offer a variety of different courses to choose from with varying levels or experience required, so you can find one that feels good for your family when it comes time pick up the class! If there’s any aspect of public speaking in particular where they need some help (such as memorizing their lines), most teachers will be happy to provide extra support until everyone has learned what they need to know.

Speech and Drama Enrichment Programs Are Non Academic in Nature

Some schools may offer a certificate or credit at the end of the year, but this isn’t always necessary for your child to participate. Most enrichment programs are designed with students from all different backgrounds in mind and they know that some people want a drama class just because it’s fun! They’ll learn how take their ability to communicate into any setting including public speaking, improvising on stage, choreography & costume design/makeup. The non-academic nature makes these types of classes perfect if you’re looking for something to pursue alongside schoolwork.

Employs dramatic techniques and teaches basic understanding but is not the core focus

A speech and drama enrichment class is not designed to provide the same type of training that you would get in a theatre school or even an acting program. These classes are more focused on developing students’ speaking skills rather than teaching them how to express themselves through different artistic mediums including dance, music & set design. Some classes may include exercises where they can develop their improvising abilities but this isn’t always something taught in abundance like it would be at a professional acting school.

These are some of the simple differences between theatre/acting class and Speech & Drama enrichment plan. Understanding these differences will help you better understand which class or program to choose for your child. Choosing the right class will give a great boost to your child’s success.

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