Fostering a positive attitude in kids

by Jan 18, 2023

Fostering positive attitude in kids

It’s no secret that having a positive attitude can make a big difference in life. But as parents, how can we foster positive attitudes in our kids? Here are a few tips.

Encourage kids to be grateful for what they have.

Teaching kids to be grateful can be an important life lesson that sets them up for success later on. Taking the time to sit down and appreciate all the good things in their lives, both big and small, helps children recognize everything they have to be thankful for and understand that some people have it much worse. Not only can this improve their outlook on life, but it can also give them a sense of appreciation that motivates them to continue to do well and strive for greater things. Encouraging kids to express gratitude will help build their character and give them more clarity on what’s important as they grow older.

Teach them how to meditate and focus on the present moment.

Many of us can get caught up in our thoughts, worrying about the future or ruminating on the past. It is important to teach ourselves and our loved ones how to live in the present moment through simple techniques such as meditation. Meditation is not just sitting cross-legged on a mat; it simply means taking time to focus on the here and now. Taking deep breaths, playing with a beloved pet, or going for a walk outdoors are all activities that encourage mindfulness. By focusing on the simple things like being comfortable in your body, mindful eating and savouring each bite, or paying attention to what’s around you in nature, we can foster peace and connection with ourselves and our environment. Teaching others how to meditate encourages them to better appreciate what matters most: the present moment.

Get them involved in service projects so they can see the impact of their positive attitude on others.

Service projects are a great way to get young people involved in the community and show them the tangible impact they can have on others. It gives them an opportunity to interact with people who may be different from themselves, gain new perspectives and gain important skills in communication and collaboration. They also learn that their positive attitude can actually have an impact beyond themselves, which is incredibly inspiring for anyone at any age. The experiences young people take away from service projects will stay with them for life, so make sure to get them involved if you want to help build their confidence and make a lasting impression!

Help them set goals and work towards achieving them.

When it comes to goal-setting, the key is to help others (or yourself) identify meaningful goals and then provide guidance around the best strategies for achieving them. This could include providing resources, helping develop an action plan to meet their objectives or just being an accountability partner. Developing personal goals can be daunting and having a supportive person around to help make the process easier can go a long way in maximizing success. It’s easy to get stuck in our routines and become complacent, so this support act will become increasingly valuable as obstacles arise during their respective journeys.

Encourage them to spend time with people who have a positive outlook on life.

One of the best things that a person can do for their overall mental health is to connect with people who have an optimistic outlook. Even if it’s just spending time with a friend that constantly reminds you of the good in the world, or having weekly dinners with family members, or even joining some uplifting online groups and forums – surrounding yourself with positive people can bring more happiness into your life. Not only does it give you something to look forward to, but it can be inspiring as well as motivational. So why not make more of an effort to engage with those who live with positivity and inspire you? You’ll likely be amazed by what a difference it can make.


As you can see, there are a number of things you can do to encourage your kids to develop a positive attitude. By teaching them how to meditate and focus on the present moment, involving them in service projects, and helping them set goals, you can help your kids cultivate gratefulness for all they have. As they spend more time with positive role models and people who have a positive outlook on life, your kids will begin to adopt these same attitudes—attitudes that will serve them well throughout their lives.

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