Importance of Non-Verbal Communication

by Aug 17, 2021

Human communication is complex, varied, and ever-changing. There are two main groups of communication: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication is all about speech, and contains many languages, colloquialisms, and vocabulary words. Non-verbal communication (also known as body language), is any type of communication that occurs through people’s body language signals. This includes gestures, eye contact, body movement, et cetera. Despite the wide variety of differences in verbal communication, non-verbal communication signals remain consistently universal. Therefore, it is imperative for everyone to develop strong non-verbal communication skills from a young age. Let’s take a closer look at why we need good non-verbal communication skills.

Regulating Emotions

WIthout body language, a lot of verbal communication also becomes unclear. Unfortunately, when non-verbal communication skills are not developed properly, verbal communication (and communication as a whole) suffers. When people don’t understand how to properly convey or perceive non-verbal communication, the emotional effects can be detrimental to themselves and others. Feelings of being silenced, ignored, or misunderstood are all symptoms of underdeveloped non-verbal communication skills.

Building Healthy Relationships

Solid non-verbal communication skills are imperative to building and maintaining healthy relationships. First of all, non-verbal communication helps people to both set boundaries and understand them. When people do not understand body language signals, important boundaries can be broken. Additionally, having a firm grasp on non-verbal communication allows people to change and address their own behaviors when necessary. When one does not have a firm understanding of non-verbal communication, it is common for their relationships to be strained or even deteriorate.

Societal Manners & Social Norms

Whether it’s the posture we have or the amount of times we repeat a body movement during a sentence, non-verbal communication sends messages to others in society. Although much of what we say verbally is important, non-verbal communication adds a layer of clarity behind the words. This also means that in public environments, body language is the primary communication form that everyone sees. Improper non-verbal communication can lead to negative social perceptions, whether it is at school, in the workplace, or at home. A lack of communication skills can affect many important life moments, so it’s best to build good habits early on.

Overall, communication skills are crucial. Poor communication leads to negative effects on one’s relationships, public perception, and emotional well-being. Therefore, make sure your child is well-rounded in all aspects of their communication skills. Ultimately, good communication skills are vital to success, well-being, perception, and acceptance in society.

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