Importance of Positive Attitudes for Children

by Jan 17, 2022

“What you think about becomes your reality.”

This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is one of the most powerful statements for children’s development. Why? Because positivity has an incredible impact on our lives. If we are constantly thinking negative thoughts, it can lead to a negative attitude and cause depression. On the other hand, if we focus on positivity, our mood will improve and positivity will spread throughout our lives – which is good for children! In this blog post, we share why positive attitudes in children are important.

Positivity attracts positivity. When we are positive, our energy is high and others can sense this. This positivity rubs off on those around us, including children. As parents or caregivers, it’s important to lead by example and show children how to be positive in any situation.

Positivity breeds success. A study conducted at the University of Kent found that people who have a positive attitude are more successful than those who don’t. The study showed that people with a positive attitude tend to be happier in their personal lives and also achieve more professional success.

It is difficult being negative while surrounded by positivity – unless you are one of those people that enjoy negativity. This means that if mistakes happen at school or work it is okay; there will always be another chance tomorrow. If he/she does not make the soccer team, don’t worry, they can always try out again next year. The world is their oyster!

Especially with COVID, it’s important to be positive. As we mentioned earlier, positivity attracts positivity and this is especially important during difficult times. Positivity gives us hope and a brighter outlook on the future. It allows us to see the good in people and situations, even when things seem bad.

How does drama influence positivity?

Drama programs teach positivity. Drama programs tend to produce positivity for a few reasons. If children learn how to act in front of an audience and work through their fears, it can help them with any future stage fright they may encounter later in life (e.g., public speaking). The positivity that comes from performing on stage is also contagious! When the cast members come offstage after a performance and receive praise, this energy rubs off onto others around them. It’s important that parents encourage positivity by applauding after each show; you never know who might be watching your child perform – whether at home or online!


In conclusion, children who have a positive attitude often have more friends and are happier children. They also tend to do better in school and achieve higher goals. A positive attitude can help children accomplish anything they put their mind to! Being positive is one of the most valuable traits that a person can possess – it is something that we should never take for granted. Let’s all work together to promote positivity in our children so that they can be successful adults!


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