What can drama do for your child?

by Jun 15, 2020

What can drama do for your child?

Are you wondering what activities could nurture your child’s full potential and give them a head start in life through a positively fun, engaging, and stimulating way? Think drama! Here are 10 benefits your child can reap through drama:

1. Creativity and imagination

In the words of Albert Einstein, Creativity is intelligence having fun! Drama opens the door to a child’s journey of self-discovery in a safe and positive learning environment, as their imagination is stimulated through playing and acting in various drama scenarios. This is also where children can start to pick up creative problem-solving and improvisation skills

2. Confidence and self-esteem

A confident child goes a long way! Drama empowers children by nurturing their full potential in speaking up within a safe space as big – or small – as they desire, acting out, discovering, and exploring an endless variety of characters from different backgrounds. This enables them to build self-esteem while ensuring that they remain comfortable in their own skins.

3. Communication and language skills

Drama allows children to develop both verbal and non-verbal communication skills. By portraying different roles, children are given ample opportunities to express themselves. This helps them to improve their articulation, voice projection, tone of speech as well as use of body language.

4. Cooperation and teamwork

Coming together to put on a play or drama performance gives children the chance to feel like they’re a part of something bigger than themselves. This is where they start to understand the importance of cooperation, and learn to respect everybody’s roles while taking away the key lessons of working in teams.

5. Emotional intelligence and listening skills

Bouncing ideas and thoughts off each other in interactive drama sessions encourages children to hone their listening skills. In learning to understand and be considerate to one another’s feelings, they also will develop important abilities like empathy and compassion, which will refine their social skills and increase their emotional intelligence.

6. Memory and discipline

Scripts, lines, and movements in a play or performance can be complicated. But they can also help to exercise children’s memory while promoting discipline, as children train themselves to remember their lines and actions. This also strengthens their awareness of time and of their surrounding environment!

7. Concentration

Performers must keep track of all the various characters and events on stage while coordinating their own inner thoughts, voices, and movements. With so many things going on at once, it’s no wonder that drama can strengthen a child’s ability to focus and concentrate!

8. Appreciation for arts and culture

Because art speaks where words are unable to explain! Drama cultivates a passion for the arts and culture that sparks children’s curiosity about the world around them, while nourishing their mind, body, and soul.

9. Fun outlet for energy and emotions

Children are full of energy and excitement, and drama is a fun way for them to release their energy and emotions in a safe and controlled manner! The physical movements and use of voice in drama also enables children to train their flexibility, balance, and coordination.

10. Friendship

Last, but certainly not the least – having shared fun experiences and challenges while playing together in drama, children can foster lifelong friendships and bonds that last long after the curtain falls 🙂

In next week’s installment, we explore why children can still benefit from online drama and how it works.

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